Just Transition Now is an educational tool used by trade union trainers to enhance the capacity of trade union officers and representatives regarding sustainability challenges, primarily climate change.
The tool is organized into two main sections.
The first section is the knowledge management tool section.
This section contains three building blocks
INFORM: Climate change
INSPIRE: Climate Action
INTERACT: Just Transition Now
In the first block, we provide information about the general causes of climate change and its direct and indirect consequences.
In the second block, we explain climate actions from the perspectives of the UN (Sustainable Development Goals) and the EU (Green New Deal).
In the third block, we introduce the concept of Just Transition and the challenges and opportunities it represents. Third block includes practical analysis tools that trade unionists can use to monitor transition processes at the company and territorial levels. It also contains policy measures taken by two European Trade Union Federations (IndustriALL Europe and the European Federation of Food, Agriculture, and Tourism Trade Unions).
This section also presents a broad set of sectors affected by climate change (energy, construction, forestry, tourism, agriculture… ) and structured around the same three blocks:
INFORM discusses climate change consequences for the sector
INSPIRE provides examples of good practices in the sector
INTERACT proposes actions you can undertake in the sector
The second section is the training section dedicated to trainers. It consists of pedagogical material to train trade union officers and representatives in ETUI’s Green Competences Framework Approach. This sustainability or ‘green’ competence framework refers to a set of competences which empowers learners to embody sustainability values, and embrace complex systems, in order to take or request action that restores and maintains ecosystem health and enhances justice, generating visions for sustainable futures.