Eric is currently employed in the fishing sector. We will guide you through the challenges that Eric is facing today and in the near future. ↓

The fishing industry is taking unsustainable amounts of fish from their habitats, leading to unbalanced marine ecosystems and endangering the survival of ocean species. This also adds pressure to the ocean's role as a climate regulator. The gear used during fishing practices releases a significant number of plastic particles into the ocean, and chemicals and pesticides used by fishing farms also increase pollution.

The European Union, which is the world's largest market for fish products, is under immense pressure to promote the fishing industry's alignment with the SDGs and Green New Deal across national and international waters. However, this transition will result in labour market impacts, including job losses, making re- and upskilling urgent. 


  • Research predicts that if the fishing industry continues as is, wild-caught seafood will cease to exist by 2048.

  • Between 2010 and 2020, the oceans have absorbed 90% of global warming driven by greenhouse gases, and 25% of human CO2 emissions.


  • The rising sea temperatures and increased ocean acidity have caused an uptick in disease outbreaks in water. This has led to the proliferation of invasive marine species and a decline in local fish populations.  

  • Temperature changes can also disrupt the timing of reproduction and migration, resulting in reduced income for fishermen and decreased productivity overall.

  • In the EU area, subsidies allocated to fisheries have resulted in overfishing, putting a strain on sustainable resource management. As a result, these subsidies are expected to be terminated. However, some companies may struggle to stay competitive without them. A decrease in the fish supply could result in less economic power and increased poverty for regions that rely on fishing.

  • Scientists estimate that more than 40% of fish stocks in the North East Atlantic and 80% in the Mediterranean are overfished, causing significant damage to marine ecosystems.


The EU Green Deal

As a response to the current environmental changes, the EU has introduced a new growth strategy named the European Green Deal. The initiative aims to achieve a climate-neutral Europe by 2050 and zero net emissions of GHG. The Green Deal covers 8 policy areas and involves plans for all sectors and industries.

Aquaculture > ‘Farm To Fork’ policy

The "Farm to Fork" policy for aquaculture in the EU aims to improve the sector's competitiveness, resilience, and environmental and climate performance. The policy intends to support the transition towards a sustainable food system that ensures food security for everyone. All parties involved in the food chain will be responsible for contributing to this transition, particularly fishermen who are at the beginning of the supply chain.

    • Sustainable Food Production

    • Sustainable Food Processing and Distribution

    • Sustainable Food Consumption

    • and Food Loss and Waste Prevention

    • Make 25% of EU agriculture organic, by the year 2030

    • Reduce by 50% the use of pesticides by the year 2030

    • Reduce the use of fertilizers by 20% by the year 2030

    • Reduce nutrient loss by at least 50%

    • Reduce the use of antimicrobials in aquaculture by 50% by 2030

    • Create sustainable food labelling

    • Reduce food waste by 50% by 2030

    • Dedicate to Research & Innovation related to the issue of €10 billion


Belgian-American company AB InBev, which is the biggest brewer in the world, is planning to venture into the food industry by creating non-animal proteins through a process that is similar to the yeast fermentation method used in beer production

Green transition - Belgium

A startup called Paleo, based in Belgium and specializing in precision fermentation protein development, has successfully raised €2 million in seed funding. The funds will be used to advance product research and development, as well as create new facilities. The ultimate goal of the company is to produce animal proteins without any animals.

Green transition - Belgium
Precision fermentation

The use of ropes made from 100% petrol-based (non-biodegradable) plastic threatens marine ecosystems. Innovative bio-based gears from BIOGEARS create an eco-friendly offshore aquaculture sector and new bio-based value chains.

Green transition - EU
Bio-based gears


  • The European Maritime Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) is designed to hasten the shift towards sustainability in the sector. It provides financial support to both small and large fishing companies that are adopting sustainable practices. 

  • The EU-funded Fisheries Local Action Group (FLAG) initiative offers hope to small-scale fishers by providing support for the growth of  local fishing communities.

  • Precision fermentation is receiving funding opportunities due to the urgent need to move away from unsustainable marine consumption.

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  • It is important to have social dialogue that represents all workers in the sector, as trade unions typically cover the entire sector. However, in smaller countries, it has been observed that small vessels are not yet covered. These vessels are often operated by self-employed workers who have no employees. Therefore, it is crucial to include and inform these smaller vessels in the transition.

  • The fishing industry is plagued with numerous forms of abuse, including overworking, non-payment, and human trafficking. Sadly, the fatality rate in this industry is higher than in other sectors. Therefore, there is a pressing need for social protection to be put in place. Fishermen and women should be granted basic labour rights that will enable them to live under better conditions. This includes receiving adequate earnings, having decent working hours, stable and safe working conditions, and equal employment opportunities. By implementing social protection, the fishing industry will be better equipped to respond to the socio-economic impacts of crises in a more swift and effective manner.

  • When fisheries are relocated or temporarily closed, it can lead to many people losing their jobs. On the other hand, it can also open up new job opportunities for people in the new areas. In order to keep jobs in the current locations, it's important to focus on using more environmentally friendly methods or harvesting invasive species. Additionally, building fishing boats that run on renewable energy could create a whole new market and jobs. This would include an increased demand for renewable energy and the need for maintenance for these boats.

  • When targeting different types of fish, there is a chance to switch to less harmful methods. However, fishermen must receive proper training in order to adjust to these new practices.

  • Improvements are necessary for existing technologies to enhance their reliability in monitoring. Innovative technologies like cloud services, machine learning, and AI can facilitate this process. The monitoring systems serve various purposes, such as forecasting extreme weather conditions, determining the optimal feeding schedule, assessing the cage conditions, and evaluating the water quality inside and outside the cages. Ultimately, these advancements will enhance the efficiency of the industry.

  • Small-scale fisheries face greater challenges as they may lack funds to invest in new technologies and travel long distances. Therefore, they need to be empowered to reskill or relocate to prevent economic downturns in coastal areas.

  • Ensure the adoption of sustainable fishing gear and prevent ocean waste from plastic netting

  • Eliminate bycatch

  • Ban overfishing endangered species

  • Implementing precision fermentation to businesses

  • Relocating fishing, landing, and shifting processes to more suitable survival conditions for certain marine species

  • Diversifying the fishing practices to new invasive fish species that may disrupt existing habitats and populations. This will not only provide income to fishers but will also restore the ecological balance

  • Investing in new, harmless, and non-polluting fishing practices

  • Investing in zero-emission ships

  • Developing reliable and sufficient monitoring events to predict extreme climate events that impact the fish stock. In this way, one can act to allow the stock to repopulate and restore from the events

  • Management reorientation: “if better management practices were implemented around the world, by 2030 over 90% of existing fisheries could be sustainable”

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