Activity sheet: Change (6)
Main topic:
Climate change is a reality and if we do not take action, the planet as we know it today, might not be inhabitable in the foreseeable future.
Digitalisation and green transformations are changing the public transport sector immensely. The adoption of new digital technologies and processes is accelerating and becoming even more widespread.
For this activity, we want to discuss the role of Trade Unions in creating (green) quality jobs, developing specific sectors, and ensuring education and skills for new/green jobs.
Target & duration:
Trade Union Leaders and activist
Duration: 2h 40 minutes
To formulate elements of Change Competence for realising a real Just Transition that protects the workers of the regions.
To reflect on the social importance of Trade Unions, in terms of change competence and labour transformation as an impact of green transition and digitalisation,
To develop a canvas “Trajectories of change” for a better understanding of the evolution in the case study;
To Create a Communication Trade Strategy considering all transformations and changes in terms of Just Transition and all the following consequences for the workers and society.